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love smoking

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January 3, 2007
Posts: 4

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im male 27 and love smoking i started at 11 at school glad i did i smoke around 30 aday its so great am looking for friends who also love smoking

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March 4, 2010
Posts: 12

PostPosted:     Post subject: "Smoking is the whole point of being an adult!"-
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--said Fran Liebowitz, and she had a point. When I was in high school, the girls who smoked, especially those whose parents didn't object and who therefore were comfortable smoking--those 15 year olds who'd already
developed a personal style of weaving their smoking in with their conversation and self expression-- always looked more womanly to me than the non smokers. I always especially liked the bookish ones with glasses and the wholesome looking honor students who didn't "seem like the type".They
were the quickest to develop adult mannerisms--also the wittiest, most independent minded, and had the biggest vocabularies.
And I can remember how great my own milestones were for me---buying my first pack, lighting up and strolling with my first "public" cigarette, and finally,
smoking in front of my parents-all prompted by a pretty, precocious girlfriend. Once you were a smoker, you almost HAD to start acting more adult/smart, unless you were a hoodlum/class clown. My sophisticated girlfriend and I went with adult/intellectual, though we were also hippie/
drug experimenters. But at that time--early 70s, it was "cool' to be well-
spoken and adult-acting among hippie and non-hoodlum smokers. My
point is it was good for us in terms of self-esteem.
Over the years I've quit a few times, but when the impending bans caused
me to go back to smoking ,10 years ago, it felt great all over again, only now because it made me feel YOUNG! The anti-smoking establishment had
restored the thrill of transgression and the pride in being part of the elite
who "get it"! We're ALL teens now! When I'm on the street and a young woman asks me for a cigarette or a light,or we pass on the street as we're both taking a drag and smile at each other, or I'm talking to a girl at the outdoor table next to mine and she says happily, "you're a smoker!" when I take out my pack, I feel the bond of being part of a proud subculture.
I have a mild "fetish", but the best thing about such an encounter is that we both feel friendlier and more comfortable once we're smoking together.
There are solitary pleasures to smoking too, such as opening a fresh pack, and coffee&cigarettes to start the day, but my favorite is meeting a woman smoker at one of the few places I still can.( Let's do all we can to save those places!)
There are1001 reasons I love smoking and smokers--this is one, or three,
of them!
Happy smoking to all!

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August 8, 2013
Posts: 18

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`You smoke too confident and happy as I am. I love the cigarette, I love the smoke in my lungs, so I feel at ease

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December 8, 2015
Posts: 10

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`Hello everybody.....i really love everything about my smoking habit.I am a real smoker and i will never stop smoking because it s probably the most wonderfull thing i know. I afeel proud because i can dangleall my cigarette. I smoke marlboro reds and it s really strong but these cigarettes smell so good. A lot of people are jalous when they see me with my smokey cigarette in my mouth. I want to meet a female smoker, get maried and if we have a child he will be allowed to smoke when he deicied. I really want that everybody smoke around me and i think that it s great that everybody smoke in a family.....

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